Creates an instance of the plugin
The current player
verbose: booleanWhether to log events or not
NameProperty that states whether this plugin considers itself ready for continued playback based on internal logic.
Triggers internal event of type PlayerInternalEventType.LoadedChanged
if property value was changed.
Property that states whether this plugin considers itself muted based on internal logic.
Triggers internal event of type PlayerInternalEventType.MutedChanged
if property value was changed.
Property describing the plugin name and version.
Add a cue to a text track
the cue to add
the text track kind
the language of the track
styling: Stylingthe styling of the text track
Add new or update existing subtitle tracks
Subtitle[] tracks to add or update
Delete a cue from a text track
the cue to delete
the text track kind
the language of the track
Disable/Hides the subtitle track in the video if the track exists
the Subtitle to disable
Enable/Shows the subtitle track in the video if the track exists
the Subtitle to enable
Removes all provided subtitles from the plugin
Subtitle[] object with all subtitles that should be removed
Set global styling properties that will be applied to all subtitles.
the GlobalSubtitleStyling containing what properties to style.
Update one specific cue in a track
the updated cue
the text track kind
the language of the track
styling: Stylingthe styling of the text track
Subtitle Plugin
This plugin is used to display one or more Subtitles provided to the plugin. Instead of adding track elements to the video, is uses the js api to add TextTracks to the video.
If subtitles are provided using vtt-files the VttSubtitlePlugin should be used instead.
How to use
Use TimedTextPlugin instead. See migration guide