verbose: booleanReadonly
NameProperty that states whether this plugin considers itself ready for continued playback based on internal logic.
Triggers internal event of type PlayerInternalEventType.LoadedChanged
if property value was changed.
Property that states whether this plugin considers itself muted based on internal logic.
Triggers internal event of type PlayerInternalEventType.MutedChanged
if property value was changed.
Property describing the plugin name and version.
Point Plugin
A plugin that adds support for setting frame accurate in- and out points. These can then be used in your application for creating time related metadata.
is used.How to use
How to register a custom point validator
It is possible to pass a custom
callback to the constructor of the plugin. The validator is used to limit points for a certain set of rules.The callback will be triggered every time a point is added, the argument "eventCallback" can be used to trigger custom events on the Plugin/player to tell the user why the point addition failed.
If we want to prevent the user from adding outPoints, we could do a simple callback