This class is responsible of keeping multiple Playables in sync with regard to currentTime, buffering etc.
The player to add this plugin to.
settings: Partial<DiscreteAudioSettings>Settings that configure how the plugin should behave, some values default to player values if unset.
NameReturns all registered internal audio tracks as the external representation.
An array of audio tracks.
Returns true if the max number of active tracks is reached, false otherwise
Property that states whether this plugin considers itself ready for continued playback based on internal logic.
Triggers internal event of type PlayerInternalEventType.LoadedChanged
if property value was changed.
Property that states whether this plugin considers itself muted based on internal logic.
Triggers internal event of type PlayerInternalEventType.MutedChanged
if property value was changed.
Property describing the plugin name and version.
Create a track based on a given native element.
Note! In order to enable individual channel control feature the native element must have property crossOrigin = "anonymous".
Existing DOM element to control.
channelCount: numberOptional. Number of audio channels in the stream.
id: stringOptional. Identifier of the created track, defaults to src of nativeElement.
Takes external audio track objects and converts them to the internal representation. Every track that is enabled will be created and added to the DOM directly, if they don't already have a related nativeElement.
The audio tracks to store.
Discrete audio plugin
This plugin enables synchronized playback of multiple discrete audio tracks, synchronized against the video.
How to use
Once a track is enabled it will be kept synchronized against the video.
Browsers have a limit for simultaneous downloads from a single domain. It is not possible to play more than, dependent on browser, 5 discrete audio tracks at the same time (more about the browser limitation here