settings: Partial<AudioScrubSettings>Readonly
QUEUE_Property that states whether this plugin considers itself ready for continued playback based on internal logic.
Triggers internal event of type PlayerInternalEventType.LoadedChanged
if property value was changed.
Property that states whether this plugin considers itself muted based on internal logic.
Triggers internal event of type PlayerInternalEventType.MutedChanged
if property value was changed.
Property describing the plugin name and version.
Register one or more audio tracks.
tracks The audio track(s).
...tracks: AudioScrubTrack[]
Audio scrub plugin
Note: This in an experimental feature currently only working with the progressive player and (or) with discrete audio tracks
The audio scrub plugin enables features to simulate audio scrubbing when seeking.
Minimal working example
The setting autoRegister (enabled by default) will make the plugin automatically register the master element and all discrete audio tracks for scrubbing. With it enabled, the following snippet is all that's required to activate scrubbing.
Now every seek operation should play a short segment of audio around the desired time.
This plugin only works with tracks that uses progressive downloads. I.e. audio tracks through DiscreteAudioPlugin and/or video track through ProgressivePlayer.
A note about accuracy
The scrubbing feature tries to be as accurate as possible, but it is an estimation. We do not guarantee that the sound heard represent just the sound associated with a frame. You can tweak the audio sample duration to get a more exact result, using the setting frameSoundDuration.